AWS for .Net Core Developers


AWS for .Net Core Developers

AWS for .Net Core Developers  Free Download Latest . It is of  AWS for .Net Core Developers  free download.

AWS for .Net Core Developers Overview

Quickly integrate AWS services in your  .Net Core / ASP.Net Core applications using Visual Studio, the SDK’s, AWS Toolkit and the AWS Console.
My name is Tony Moffatt and I bring over 9 years’ .Net and cloud experience.
This course is modular, you can pick and choose between services you want to integrate. You complete section one, then pick any other section to get that service integrates. Each section covers a different service, and a new project is created for each section.
It this course for you?
Yes, if you are a .Net Core /  ASP.Net Core developer
Yes, if you know how dependency injection and middleware works in .Net Core / ASP.Net Core.
Yes, if familiar with AWS services, with visual studio, with async keyword in  .Net Core / ASP.Net Core.

  • Simple Email Service (SES)
  • Simple Queue Service (SQS)
  • Simple Notification Service (SNS)
  • Simple Storage Service (S3)
  • Elastic Beanstalk
  • DynamoDB
  • Amazon Sagemaker
  • CloudWatch Logs


  • Elastic Container Service (ECS)
  • Redshift
  • Plus more…

On completion of this course you will have the knowledge and confidence to pick an AWS service you would like to in leverage from your .Net Core / ASP.Net Core application and quickly get that service integrated.
You will be confident in the process required to integrate with any AWS service.
I hope you will join me on this journey to leverage the power of AWS Services in your .Net and ASP.Net Core Applications
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