Josh Middleton JTM Profiles Heavy Tones Bundle 2 Kemper Profile (Premium)


Josh Middleton JTM Profiles Heavy Tones Bundle 2 Kemper Profile

Josh Middleton JTM Profiles Heavy Tones Bundle 2 Kemper Profile    Free Download Latest . It is of  Josh Middleton JTM Profiles Heavy Tones Bundle 2 Kemper Profile   free download.

Josh Middleton JTM Profiles Heavy Tones Bundle 2 Kemper Profile  Overview

Heavy tones ready to sit in your mix. Great for studio or live use. Now includes some of my bass guitar profiles.

This one is the ultimate bundle for metal/rock/hardcore/thrash/djent tones.

Seeking recreate the sounds of the 5150, Mesa Dual Rec multi watt, EVH 5150 3 50w, Diezel VH4, Laney GH100L, Krankenstein, EVH LB-1. Including cabs such as the legendary Mesa Oversized containing the British made V30 speakers, Marshall 1960TV and an Orange 4×12 including many other cab profiles and various boost pedals.

82 unique profiles. This means that you can swap out a cab from another profile in this bundle to create even more tonal options to play with. So each profile will have different head settings or a different boost pedal used (or not used) as well as a different mic placement on the cab or different cab profile used all together.
Also includes a PDF with some helpful guitar mixing notes.

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