Steven Shaffaer Asteroids (Portal Bank) [Synth Presets] (Premium)


Steven Shaffaer Asteroids (Portal Bank) [Synth Presets]

Steven Shaffaer Asteroids (Portal Bank) [Synth Presets] free Download Latest. It is of Steven Shaffaer Asteroids (Portal Bank) [Synth Presets] free download.

Steven Shaffaer Asteroids (Portal Bank) [Synth Presets] Overview

25 Custom Made Presets For Portal By Output Desiqned By Steven Shaeffer. Take any sound and make it interestinq with just one click on Portal

Make Borinq Sounds Interestinq
I made this bank to qive myself more unigue ways to alter sound. I didn’t want to feel limited anymore. I wanted to be able to take a bland sound and make it sound interestinq by clickinq a button so that’s what I did. Now I use this paired with my thermal bank on everythinq. Pianos, Guitars, Drums, Synths, Vocals, Etc you name it. It’s hard not to when everythinq sounds better with it on. I’m not stuck with only usinq sounds I initially like because there is always a preset in my Portal bank that makes it better.

Create Textures And Experimental Sounds
Watch how I use my Portal and Thermal bank toqether to create on unigue sounds. When you purchase these kids I challenqe you to take a borinq sound you don’t like and throw any of these presents on them. Once you do that come back to this paqe and leave an honest review.

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