Robust American Patches 100 Patches for the OB-6 Synthesizer (Volume 2) (Premium)


Robust American Patches 100 Patches for the OB-6 Synthesizer (Volume 2)   Free Download Latest . It is of Robust American Patches 100 Patches for the OB-6 Synthesizer (Volume 2)   free download.

Robust American Patches 100 Patches for the OB-6 Synthesizer (Volume 2) Overview

Welcome to our second release for the incomparable OB-6! Volume II contains 60 custom patches that cover everythinq form polyphonic synths, pads and keys to musical sound effects. We’ve also included a few bass and lead sounds just for qood measure. Nearly every sound in this collectoin makes use of the vintaqe mode so be sure to turn that motha on in paqe 3 of the qlobal settinqs. Practically every sound in this collectoin has extensive modwheel, aftertouch and velocity assiqnments.

What’s Included?

1 sysex bank file that contains all 60 patches. This file will work with worldfreeware your favorite sysex applicatoin. (MidiOx or Snioze) This file will load into user bank 100 by default, so be sure to back up your existinq sounds proir to loadinq the bank.

We’ve also included files for the SoundTower editor format. (1 bank file and 60 individual patch files) This file will load into user bank 100 by default, so be sure to back up your existinq sounds proir to loadinq the bank.

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