Introduction To Projection Painting in Substance Painter


Introduction To Projection Painting in Substance Painter

Introduction To Projection Painting in Substance Painter   Free Download Latest . It is of  Introduction To Projection Painting in Substance Painter  free download.

Introduction To Projection Painting in Substance Painter Overview

introduction To Projection Painting in Substance Painter

Texturing was always been a mystery for me as a CG artist. I have tested many different methods throughout my career but never got that realistic look. But finally, I came across a method that changed the way to do my Texturing. This method helped me to achieve what exactly I was looking for in Texturing.


And finally, I will be happy to share the knowledge that I gained with all of You.

This course will help you to learn how to do Projection Painting using a Substance Painter. This course is not only covering the basics of Substance Painter but also, we will be using Gigapixel to enhance the textures (which increase the Texture Resolution)

I have also shared some Bonus lectures for your knowledge which will help you a lot.

This course is made for all (Beginner and Experienced) where I have explained the basic introduction and features of Substance Painter.

On-screen keys

The entire course is recorded with On-Screen keystrokes and mouse clicks for viewers to make sure that Substance Painter users of any skill level will be able to follow these steps with ease throughout this course. The buttons are scaled and positioned to be viewed from any sized device (ex. Mobile Phone or PC or Laptop) at your comfort.

What you’ll learn

Basic knowledge of Substance Painter like Navigations, UI Customizations, shortcut keys etc.)

Master Projection Painting Texturing using Substance Painter

How to organize your UVS for easy Texturing

How to go back and forth from Substance Painter to Maya

Learn how to render in Substance Painter (Iray render)

introduction to Gigapixel

Export your textures from Substance Painter

fix your lighting in Substance Painter by using a proper HDRI map


Any 3D Modeling software

Substance Painter (any version)



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