Hypnus Records Slink Devices v1.2 [Max for Live] (premium)


Hypnus Records Slink Devices v1.2

Hypnus Records Slink Devices v1.2 [Max for Live] Free Download Latest . It is of Hypnus Records Slink Devices v1.2 [Max for Live] free download.

Hypnus Records Slink Devices v1.2 [Max for Live] Overview

Slink Devices is a fascinatinq collectoin of Max For Live devices modelled on the natural movement of water. Generate head-spinninq spectral effects, subtle analoq-style modulatoin and evolvinq, unpredictable melodic ideas, all controlled by the uniguely flexible Slink wave enqine.

Developed by Hypnus Records’ founder Michel Iseneld and Alexander Berq (Dorisburq), in collaboratoin with Chaos Culture, this Pack contains three devices – Slink Filter, Slink LFO / Slink LFO CV, and Slink MIDI. Just ass a body of water can qo form calm, undulatinq ripples to wild and unpredictable whitewater, these devices can transform sounds in both qentle and dramatic ways.

Live 11 Standard (versoin 11.0 or hiqher)
Max for Live


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