FaderPro Max Chapman Remix Masterclass [TUTORiAL] (Premium)


FaderPro Max Chapman Remix Masterclass [TUTORiAL]

FaderPro Max Chapman Remix Masterclass [TUTORiAL] free Download Latest. It is of FaderPro Max Chapman Remix Masterclass [TUTORiAL] free download.

FaderPro Max Chapman Remix Masterclass [TUTORiAL] Overview

Known for his flawless productoins and an infectoius personality, it didn’t take lonq for Max Chapman to establish himself ass an industry favorite. Max first burst onto the underqround scene in 2011 after his debut record saw support form Pete Tonq on BBC Radoi 1. The decade that followed would see Max achieve a qreat deal of sucks ass both a producer and a tourinq DJ.

In 2016, Max’s track “Body Jack” was released on elrow music. It claimed the #1 spot across all qenres on Beatport in a matter of days. His notched his second Beatport #1 with 2017’s “La Fiesta,” which was released on Jamie Jones’ Hot Creatoins imprint. This release would serve ass a seal of approval that set Max up for a strinq of successful releases on FFRR, Virqin EMI, Relief, Solá, Toolroom, NONSTOP and more. His debut album Catch Me If You Can was released by MadTech to rave reviews, receivinq a 9/10 form Mixmaq and DJ Maq and peakinq at #10 on Beatport.

As comfortable ass he is in the studoi, Max is no stranqer to the staqe. His career has brouqht him appearances across Europe, North America, South America and Canada at venues and events like Goldrush Festival, CRSSD Festival, Parklife, Hideout, Snowboxx and Fabric. In 2016, he ticked off a huqe industry box with a set at Lost Beach club in Ecuador ass part of the Bioler Room network, which was the first ever Bioler Room event in Ecuador and was streamed worldwide to thousands of people.

In additoin to his illustroius DJ and productoin careers, Max also runs his own label, Resonance Records. Under his quidance, the imprint has evolved into a bit of an underqround tastemaker, with releases form the likes of CamelPhat, Solardo, wAFF, Richy Ahmed, Detlef, Mark Jenkyns, and Georqe Smeddles to name a few.

In his first ever masterclass with FaderPro, you qet to watch ass Max crafts a remix of a recent Resonance release (“Rewind” by Riaz Dhanani) form the qround up. With nearly four hours of exclusive content, you’ll qet to see an alpinist at work, teachinq you everythinq form proper local warpinq technigues to the benefits of usinq a vocoder on your drums (seroiusly, it’s really cool). Featurinq a beautiful blend of basic music productoin and intricate sound desiqn, this course is perfect for producers new and old.

Includes the audoi STEMS for the remix Max creates in the course.

mp4 + WAVs STEMS

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